Welcome to the Darwell Betterment Association Lunch by the Bunch and Fundraiser ordering site.
On this site parents will be able to place lunch orders for their children, and order items from Betterment Fundraisers.
What to do for parents:
(1) Register your students in their classes.
(2) Once registered the Lunches and Fundraisers will show up under your student's names (Home > Students)
(3) Once finished ordering payment can be made by paying online (darwellbetterment@gmail.com), printing off the form and submitting a cheque or cash. For cash, direct change only please, any overages by cash or cheque will be applied to your hotlunch account as a credit.
As you can see we are implementing a new ordering program for lunches to streamline and simplify.
You do not have to use this system: Order forms are available in the office for lunch ordering and payment.
What to do for teachers and staff:
(1) Register using your login information (contact meekrobyn2014@gmail.com if you have not yet received)
Thank you for you patience!
Darwell Betterment
We believe that by involving and informing parents we will have a more supportive and effective school environment for our children. It is up to us to work together to ensure our children have the best possible school experience.
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